Embark on an epic adventure in a tumultuous era of ancient China with this thrilling Hero of the Warring States app. Step into the shoes of Han Xin, a soldier serving under the Chu king Xiang Yu, in a quest to uncover the treasures of the Qin dynasty. Journey to the Qin Shi Huang mausoleum, but be prepared to face formidable challenges in the form of terra-cotta warriors, ghouls, ghosts, zombies, and vampires. Can you help Han Xin overcome these obstacles and emerge victorious? Test your skills and strategic thinking in this action-packed game. Will you be the Hero of the Warring States? Play now and find out.
- Dive into the last years of the Qin dynasty in China.
- Help soldier Han Xin in his quest to find the treasures of Qin dynasty.
- Encounter challenging enemies like terra-cotta warriors, ghouls, ghosts, zombies, and vampires.
- Explore the Qin Shi Huang mausoleum in search of hidden treasures.
- Test your skills in battles between Chu kingdom and Han kingdom.
- Immerse yourself in a thrilling story of war and adventure.