Step into the futuristic world of AQUA, where a computer named Luka controls holograms with mass, transforming daily life. In this visual novel adventure game, immerse yourself in a mix of romance and sci-fi as you navigate through school love stories and grand narratives across three captivating plots. With simple controls designed for all users, dive into the game for free until the midway point. If you’re hooked, unlock the full story with a scenario key. Follow Souta’s journey through Tsukigahama, where memories of the past and encounters with a mysterious girl named Chisa blur the lines between reality and technology.
- Visual novel adventure game with beautiful girl characters.
- School love story and grand sci-fi story with 3 narratives.
- Simple controls for easy gameplay, perfect for first-time users.
- Play for free until the middle of the story.
- Purchase scenario unlock key to enjoy the full story.
- Immersive storytelling set in a futuristic world with hologram technology.