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当前位置:清风网络游戏游戏攻略 → PS3《无名英雄》奖杯列表(中英文对照 含隐藏奖杯)

2011-3-24 8:16:04

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Platinum Trophy
get all of the following prizes 获得所有奖杯
Gold Trophies
Hard Finish Finish story mode on Hard without changing the difficulty setting -hard难度完成游戏
Silver Trophies
Good Finish Beat the game as a Hero. 完成游戏后获得'Hero'称号
Evil Finish Beat the game while Infamous. 完成游戏后获得'Infamous'称号
Community Organizer Take over all territory in the Neon District. 占领Neon地区
Civic Leader Take over all territory in the Warren. 占领Warren地区
Urban Designer Take over all territory in the Historic District. 占领Historic 地区
Evil to the Core Purchase every negative Karma upgrade for each power. 购买所有力量的消极影响升级
True Hero Purchase every positive Karma upgrade for each power. 购买所有力量的正面影响升级
Goody Two Shoes Reach full positive Karma. 达成完全正面的因果报应
Truly Infamous Reach full negative Karma. 达成完全消极的因果报应
Stunt Master Complete all of the stunts on the stunt list. 完成列表上的所有招式
Bronze Trophies
Just Scratched the Surface Collect all Dead Drops in the Neon District. 在Neon地区收集完成所有Dead Drops
Further Down the Rabbit Hole Collect all Dead Drops in the Warren. 在Warren地区收集完成所有Dead Drops
You’re so Sly Collect all Dead Drops in the Historic District. 在Historic 地区收集完成所有Dead Drops
Junior Geologist Find 25% of the Shards. 收集25%碎片
Member of the Mineral Club Find 50% of the Shards. 收集50%碎片
Rockhound Find 100% of the Shards. 收集100%碎片
Frequent Flyer Travel 5 kilometers using Static Thrusters. 用Static Thrusters走完5km
Hotfoot Travel 25 kilometers while riding the rails. 在铁轨上滑行走完25km
Electric Hobo Ride the train for 2 kilometers. 搭火车走完25km
Casey Jones Take down 25 enemies while riding on a moving train. 在移动的火车上干掉25个敌人
Road Kill Take down 25 enemies while riding on the roof of a moving vehicle. 在移动的机车顶上干掉25个敌人
Drop Everything Thunder Drop for a total distance of at least 500 meters.
AC/DC Drain 750 megawatts of power from Empire City. 从Empire City吸收750mw电力
Get Off My Cloud Get 100 High Fall take downs. 使用High Fall 干掉100个敌人
Red Baron Take down 100 enemies while they are airborne. 干掉100个空中的敌人
Fish in a Barrel Kill 50 enemies by using water. 使用水干掉100个敌人
True Potential Purchase every upgrade for a single power. 为每项能力都升级
Oh You’ve Done This Before Take down 50 enemies by sticking them with a grenade. 使用手雷干掉100个敌人
The Hunger Bio Leech 100 enemies.
Doctor Cole Heal 250 pedestrians. 治疗25个行人
Good Eats Good guys feed the needy. 供给食物给需要的人
Evil Eats Bad guys never share their food. 从不供给食物给需要的人
Good Riot Good guys stand up and take the heat. 挺身而出抵抗恶势力
Evil Riot Bad guys love starting riots. 制造混乱
Good Train Good guys proactively facilitate transportation solutions. 好人修缮交通
Evil Train Bad guys make it clear who the boss is. 恶人让人明白这里谁说了算
Good Exposure Good guys are heroes to others. 好人是别人心中的英雄
Evil Exposure Bad guys love to be seen. 恶人喜欢被发现
Good Sphere Good guys put a stop to the madness. 好人制止恶行
Evil Sphere Bad guys always want more power. 恶人总想获得更多力量
Good Intentions Good guys work for the greater good.   好人总想做更多善事
Evil Intentions Bad guys can’t say goodbye. 恶人不知何时告别
Stunt Man Complete any one stunt from the stunt list. 完成列表上一项出招
Stunt Coordinator Complete 10 of the stunts on the stunt list. 完成列表上10项出招






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