in the Demonlord tricked me into setting him free from his mountain prison.Now his inhuman servants terrorize our land.I arrived to the village of Calidar to find the four wizards who once banished him .Use 2,4,6 and 8 to move around.(Devin欺骗我将他从囚禁他的牢狱里放了出来。现在他的怪物仆人们恐吓着我们的国家。我要到Calidar的村庄找到曾经将他驱逐出境的4 名术士。使用2,4,6和8可以移动。)
Rento:The Duke of Calidar ordered me to kill all the ratlings lurking in his basement.As a reward I can keep all that I find here.Start the battle by approaching the monsters.In battle run at the enemy to strike them!( Calidar的Duke命令我杀掉所有埋伏在他地下室的怪物。作为报酬,我可以拿走在这里找到的一切。靠近怪物即开始战斗。在战斗中走向敌人就可以攻击他们!)
FW2和第一部的战斗方式一样,需要在在战斗上主动迎上前。当Rento面对敌人走上前是就会发起主动进攻,如果不幸被对的话呢~~呵呵~当然只有挨打的份啦~So come on~勇敢的向前冲吧~~!^___^
Rento:Thunderhammer!In battle I can use it by pressing 5 when the blue bar at the top of screen is full.(雷之锤!在战斗中当最上面的蓝色进度条满了以后我可以通过按5来使用它。)
Rento:Elixir of life!I will use these automatically when about to run out of health.(补充生命值的灵药!我将在生命用光的时候自动使用它。)
拿完DD后可以顺着上面被解封的路找到出地下室的出口。出去以后,系统会提示:Press 5 to speak with nearby villager.(按5可以和附近的村民进行对话。)这时可以看到左下方的老人头顶上有个带叹号的思想泡~那代表需要主角和其进行对话~:)