






数据之翼Data Wing游戏界面中文翻译一览[图]图片1


Interface: TURN LEFT. (按左边左转)

Interface: TURN RIGHT. (按右边右转)

Dual Interface: BRAKE (两边一起按:刹车)

Oh, you're functional? And mastered your basic functions?


Good. Use them to follow the signal.


Good following of basic instructions. You'll go far here...

(对基础指令掌握地很不错。 你在这将大有前途。)


I'm Mother. I'm in charge. You do what I say. And I say we put you to work...

(我叫母体{感觉这样翻比较适合?... 译者注},也是主管。 你照我说的做,也就是我们让你去做事..)



This is your System Interface. Don't worry, I don't expect you to understand it. Understanding things isn't your purpose...





Waking Light

Formal: Reach the Exit (形式:到达出口)


You're a DATA WING. You deliver my data payloads. That's your purpose. I give orders and push failures. As far as you're concerned, that's my purpose. I've provided sufficient motivation, yes? Let's begin.

(你是数据之翼。你的目的是运送我的数据。我给你指令,排除你的困难。正如你关心的,这就是我的用途。我已经给你提供了足够多的动机了,是吗?让我们开始吧。 )


Your first payload! You delivered me a … 1. Cogratulations on fulfilling your purpose.

(你的第一份数据! 你运送给我了一个“1”. 祝贺你完成你的任务。)


I'm responsible for everything around here. As we speak, I'm orchestrating millions of DATA WINGs all over the system. I won't hesitate to delete you if you fail to perform. Luckily, you have no capacity for emotion. Otherwise, you'd be crippled by your stunning insignificance...




Format: Round Trip [形式:绕圈]


Your last delivery took a glacial 0.01 real-seconds. We need to work on your efficiency. Complete 5 Laps of this course. I've virtualized one of your kind. I strongly recommend you follow their example.

(你上次运送仅仅用了现实中的0.01秒,我们致力于高效完成指令。 完成绕这个路线5圈,我已经虚拟化出了另一个数据之翼,我强烈建议你跟随它的路线。)


You're performing above the mediocrity I'm typically resigned to. Good work. I look forward to testing your resolve.



Your success is rewarded with deeper system access. It's a sign of our shared trust. Additionally, I'll reward you with Shiny Gems. Shiny Gems are your favorite, yes? So shiny. So motivating. Collect as many as you like.

(你的成功将会报以更高的系统权限 (就是过了前面的关卡就能开启后面的关卡. 译者注. 下同 ) ,这也是我们共同信任的表现。另外,我将以闪亮的宝石(右上角的钻石)来回报你,这也是你最喜欢的,是吗?如此的耀眼,如此的激励人心。你想收集多少就收集多少吧(也就是说没什么卵用..?)。 )



Format: Stopwatch (形式:秒表)


This next course has a strict time requirement. A system operation depends upon it. I need the payload delivered in under 018:000. If you haven't noticed, you can thrust off walls to gain momentum.



Excelent! I'm 3% more elated! Unlike you, I can feel emotions… sort of. I'm working on emulating emotional states. I'm dissatisified with my progress so far. So I guess dissatisfaction is coming along nicely...

非常棒! 我又多了3%的欢欣鼓舞。不像你,我可以感受到情绪..至少一些。 我正从事于仿真情绪状态。我对目前的进展还不满意,所以我猜"不满意"这种情绪进展的还不错...

More Shiny Gems for your collection…



Gravitional VI

Format: Reach the Exit

Gravity 3.0x (在画面中间偏下位置,重力 x 3 )


For reasons beyond your comprehension, this course features extreme gravity. It'll test your resolve and ability to adapt. Push off walls to build momentum and fight gravity.

基于一些超出你理解能力的原因,这条路线有强烈的重力。 这也会检验你的决心和适应能力。靠墙推进获得能量去对抗重力。


Excellent. You're adaptive and resilient… A direct result of my influence, no doubt.

非常好,你很有适应性... 无疑这是我教导下的直接结果。

This wll be your final task. I know how you feel. You want more time to collect Shiny Gems. We all want more time. Let's just focus on exercising good teamwork, with me issuing instructions and you blindly following them.




Format: Skirmish (形式:对抗)


I've virtualized the 5 least disappointing DATA WINGs to ever attempt this course. Use whatever means possible to reach the exit first. Oh! And you may Restart as frequently as you wish.



You actually did it!? Excellent! I think you've increased my elatedness again! Wait… How did you succeed? You don't have capacity for problem solving...

你真的做到了!? 太棒了! 我想你又让我更兴高采烈了!等等...你怎么成功的?你又没有解决问题的能力...


I've had a brilliant idea… You'll assist me while I serve The User. The User is a Human and also the system's owner. To complete The User's many, varied tasks without question is my true purpose. They'd be lost in their world without me…

我有个大胆的想法 (原文:绝妙的...)... 当我服务"用户"时,你可以辅助我。”用户“是一个人类,也是这个系统的所有者。我的目标就是不出差错地完成“用户”成千上万各式各样的任务。如果没有我,他们将在他们的世界里遭难的...



(Flower) Sorry I didn't introduce myself before. Your complete disregard for security protocols was enthralling… I'm Rogue. I'm … visiting from the net. Oh, you can't speak? That's odd. Why can't you speak? Not to worry… I'll pretend you introduced yourself. Lovely to meet you, triangle.

小淘气:不好意思之前没做自我介绍。你完全不顾安全协议(带上用户的指纹信息)真是吸引了我… 我是小淘气("Rogue") . 我呢..是来自网络的访客。 呃,你不能说话吗? 太奇怪了,你怎么不能说话呢? 不过不要紧...我就假装你已经介绍过你自己了。 很高兴认识你,小三角~


Sea Changes (这一关出现了加速带)These Turbo Zones provide extra thrust. Unfortunately, they also make handling more difficult. I'd understand if you're too intimidated to utilise them...

这些增压区域(Turbo Zones) 提供了额外的动力。不过恼火的是在