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2010-1-1 7:21:15

Cursor Up = Run forwards
Cursor Down = Run backwards
Cursor Up+Shift = Walk forwards
Cursor Down+Shift = Walk backwards
Cursor Right = Turn right
Cursor Left = Turn left
Del = Side step left
Page Down = Side step right
Alt = Jump (duck, dive under water)
Alt+Cursor Up = Jump forward
Space = Grab (edges or rope, cursor up climbs rope)
Shift (in water) = Swim
Shift+Alt+Cursor Up = Dive (and roll on land)
Hold CTRL = Combat stance
Hold CTRL+Cursor Up = Fast attack
Hold CTRL+Cursor Right = Heavy Attack
Hold CTRL+Cursor Left = Swipe and rotate
Hold CTRL+Cursor Down = Block
Hold CTRL+Shift+Cursor Up = Kick & roll back
Hold CTRL+Shift+Cursor Right = Roll right & swipe
Hold CTRL+Shift+Cursor Left = Roll left & swipe
Hold CTRL+Shift+Cursor down = Crouch and swipe
CTRL+Cursor Up (in water) = Fight underwater
Right mouse button = Toggle crossbow mode
Mouse (in crossbow mode) = Aim
Left Mouse Button = Fire arrow
1-5 = Change arrows
F1-F8 = Use spells
1 (on num-pad) = Use spike-balls
Space = Action - pick up objects/ open doors
Esc = Main Menu
Tab = Inventory
Mouse (in normal mode) = Position camera
0 (on num pad) = Reset camera




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