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当前位置:清风网络游戏游戏攻略 → 《崛起2:黑暗水域》永久属性草药地点及配方购买处

2012-5-4 10:12:18

Brewing recipes

Fool's Juice (Jester Cap) - Bought from Kapua in Native Village @ The Sword Coast

Sharpeye Paste - Bought from Di Silva in the inn @ Caldera

Swordthorn Essence - Bought from Emma @ Antigua

So far I've found these plants:

Hero's Crown

*Crystal Cave on first Island

*Sword Coast near Monkey Tower (opposite of the cave you are asked to check out when you go with steelbeard to the natives camp)

*Sword Coast - Hill overlooking Earth Temple

*Antigua - Northwestern Island

*Maracai Bay - Climb up some cliffs east of Angus

*Thieves Island - Northernmost point, on a cliff.

*Antigua - Near Garcia's Treasure


*Sword Coast - unknown

*Antigua - On the right, after exiting the caves outside of Harbour.

*Thieves Island - Slayne's Cave

*Thieves Island - Northernmost cave

*Isle of the Dead - Arena

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